Author Archives: Michael

Start a Shopify(tm) Business With Absolutely No Experience > eCommerce Report

eCommerce info report “Start a Shopify(tm) Business With Absolutely No Experience” looks into: Shopify Developers Differentiated the Company from others. Features offered by Shopify. Shopify makes your life easier. Benefits to Integrate Quickbooks with Shopify. Getting the most from your Shopify business experience. Cost of doing business with Shopify. So why should you Pay a… Read More »

5 Easy Ways to Discover Hot Niches > Niche Marketing Report

Internet Marketing report “5 Easy Ways to Discover Hot Niches” looks at: Identify Your Passions and Interests. Identify Problems You Can Solve. Research Your Competition. Determine the Profitability of Your Niche and Test Your Idea. Member download link > [membership level=”Free”] “5 Easy Ways to Discover Hot Niches” [/membership] to download (370 KB pdf) this… Read More »

Grow Your Home Business > Member 5 Part Ecourse

Short 5 part eCourse  you will learn basic information that will help you learn simple yet effective ways that you can manage and grow your own successful home business. Member content (login) > [membership level=”Free”] 1 Welcome to the first lesson in the Grow Your Home Business Crash Course. Over the next few days, you… Read More »

Leveraging eBooks In The Digital Era > Product Creation Ebook

Internet Marketing ebook “Leveraging eBooks in the Digital Era” covers E-book Basics, Decide How Your Book Will Be Used, Decide On Formats Relative To How Your E-book Will Be Used, Choose A Relevant Topic, Put Your E-book Together, Arrange The Ads In Your E-book, Decide What Extras To Include In Your E-book Package, Market your… Read More »

How to Use Audio to Increase Reach & Profitability > Member Marketing Video

Online Marketing instruction video “How to Use Audio to Increase Reach & Profitability” looks at the benefits of using audio instead of text or video format in your marketing efforts. 34:50 minutes. Members login for video player. [membership level=”Free”][/membership]

Product Creation Madness > Online Marketing Ebook

Online Marketing MRR ebook “Product Creation Madness” covers The Most Important Thing you Need to Know, Catching Buyer Attention, Drafting Your Table of Contents, DIY vs Outsourcing, How to Outsource, Dealing with Outsourcers and Developing Relationships.  Member download link > [membership level=”Free”] “Product Creation Madness” [/membership] to download (489 KB pdf) this ebook.

Offline Business Traffic Strategies > Online Business Ebook

Online Business ebook “Offline Business Traffic Strategies” looks into Increase Website Traffic for Your Offline Business, Bring More Traffic to Your Website for Your Offline Business, Creating Traffic for Your Offline Business, Get the Highest Targeted Traffic to Your Website to Promote Your Offline Business, Increase Traffic to Your Site the Right Way, How to… Read More »

Business Coaching and Training > Business Ebook

Business info ebook “Business Coaching and Training” includes topics Will Your Business Benefit from a Business Coach, 4 Reasons You Should Use a Business Coach to Get Results, Coaching to Get Results, How Business Coaching Helps Leadership Teams, How Business Coaching Works, Highly Effective Business Coaching, How Business Coaching Can Create Continually Motivated Employees, A… Read More »

Blog Profits > Online Blogging Ebook

Internet Marketing MRR ebook “Blog Profits” looks into What Is Blogging?, Benefits of Blogging, Examples of Successful Blogs, What Should You Blog About?, Determining the Hottest Blog Topics, The Most Popular Blog Platforms, Creating Your First WordPress Blog, Registering Your Domain, Setting Up Your Web Hosting, Installing the WordPress Platform, Choosing Your Theme, Using Plug-Ins… Read More »