Category Archives: Business

Utilizing Offline Marketing For Extra Income > Free Business Promotion Ebook

Business Promotion ebook “Utilizing Offline Marketing For Extra Income” looks at: “will give you great offline marketing ideas that are either free or of minimal cost, as well as those that do not require a lot of your time and energy. If you implement the ideas you find in our book, you will increase market… Read More »

Business Budget Planning – Make Business Budgeting A Success Rather Than A Nightmare

All businesses start out with three main elements prominently featured in the general make up of the endeavor. These would be listed as revenue to be earned, expenses to be incurred along the way and the projected profits expected. These three categories are usually studied in depth before the actual business entity is launched and… Read More »

Setting up Your First Business Website > Free Online Business Report

Online Business report “Setting up Your First Business Website” covers; How to Determine What You Want to Sell. Do You Really Need Your Own Business Website? Designing Your Business Website. Part II: Designing Your Own Website. How to Take Advantage of Advertising to Find Traffic and Make Extra Money. How to Optimize Your Site for… Read More »

Customer Loyalty > Business Ebook

Business ebook “Customer Loyalty” covers: How Important Is Customer Loyalty, Discern Where You Are In Respect To Customer Loyalty, Understand Your Target Audience And Their Needs, Supply Products Of Worth To Fulfill A Need, Make Sure Your Customer Service Is Exceptional and Everyone In The Organization Must Be Trained To Reflect Your Vision. Member link… Read More »

Code of Conduct > Business Ebook

Business ebook “Code of Conduct” covers: What Are Rules Of Conduct, Write A Mission Statement, Know What Your Customers Expect, Open The Lines Of Communication With Employees, Balance The Needs Of Customers And Employees, Adjust With Trial And Error And Maintain A Positive Attitude. Member link (login) > [membership level=”Free”] “Code of Conduct” [/membership] to… Read More »

Outsourcing Cheat Sheet > Online Business eBook

Online Business ebook “Outsourcing Cheat Sheet” looks at outsourcing for The Basics of Outsourcing, Graphics Design, Content and Article Writing, Company Logo Creation, Web Design and Development, Search Engine Optimization, VA and Administrative Tasks, Customer Support Services, Telemarketing, Software Development and E-mail Marketing. Member download link (login) > [membership level=”Free”] “Outsourcing Cheat Sheet” [/membership] to… Read More »

The Productive Entrepreneur > Business Ebook

Business ebook “The Productive Entrepreneur” covers What is takes to become a productive entrepreneur. Planning – 15 Tips to Organize Your Business. Effectiveness: 15 Tips to Getting Results. Balance – 15 Tips to Energize Your Work Life. How to live the life of a successful online entrepreneur. How and why, you should set short and… Read More »

Home Sweet Home > Home Business Ebook

Home Business MRR ebook “Home Sweet Home” looks at What skills the most successful business people possess, The advantages of different types of work! A list of businesses that you can start from home with little capital, How to use your own skills to create self-employment. Members download link (login) > [membership level=”Free”] “Home Sweet… Read More »