Category Archives: IM Management

Don’t Ruin Your Business with Unethical Behavior > Free Online Business Report

Online Business report “Don’t Ruin Your Business with Unethical Behavior” includes main topics: Stealing Other People’s Products and Selling It as Your Own. Mistreating Someone You Partnered Up with. Promoting People as an Affiliate Who You Know Are Doing Unethical Things. Lying About the Product on Your Sales Page. Coming Back from Scandal in a… Read More »

10 Internet Marketing Strategies > Free Online Marketing Report

Online Marketing report “10 Internet Marketing Strategies” covers; “Internet marketing can be approached in a methodical way to meet your goals, whether they are to increase traffic or income from your online ventures. Typically, these are the two major goals of Internet marketers as they each tie into each other. The more traffic you receive,… Read More »

Why Some People Fail at Internet Marketing > Free Report

Internet Marketing report “Why Some People Fail at Internet Marketing” covers; “What most people fail to realize is that the same types of obstacles and challenges that people have when they go into business offline are the same obstacles and challenges they might face online, except in a different format. If you have difficulty selling… Read More »

AI for Entrepreneurs > Free Internet Marketing Ebook

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Internet Marketing ebook “AI for Entrepreneurs” looks at: Introduction, What AI Can Do for You, How to Incorporate AI into Your Business, How to Get Started Quickly, Taking Your Business to the Next Level with AI, 3 Tips to Using AI Successfully, Final Words and Resources. Click “AI for Entrepreneurs” to… Read More »

Online Reputation Management > Free Online Business Report

Online Business/Promotion report “Online Reputation Management” looks into main topics of; Introduction, Getting Started, Strategies for Responding to Negative Reviews, Best Practices for Promoting Positive Content, How to Build a Strong Online Reputation, Pro Tip: Audit Your Website, Final Tips and Resources. Click “Online Reputation Management” to download (421 KB pdf) this free online business… Read More »

Insider Pricing Strategies > Free Business Ebook

Free Business ebook “Insider Pricing Strategies” looks into: Know Your Audience, The B.L.S Formula, Set Yourself Apart, Value Stack Strategy, The GAP Strategy, Loss Leader Strategy, Qualify Your Customers, Incorporate Social Proof, Provide Top-Notch Support, Final Thoughts and Resources. Click “Insider Pricing Strategies” to download (502 KB pdf) this Business information ebook.

100 Business Boosting Ideas > Free Business Report

Business operational report “100 Business Boosting Ideas” covers; “This ebook will give you 100 business self help ideas. It includes all kinds of different ways to overcome negative business problems. It will turn your negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones“. Click “100 Business Boosting Ideas” to download (255 KB pdf) this free report.

Discovering The Underground Home Business Revolution > Free Online Business Ebook

Online Business ebook “Discovering The Underground Home Business Revolution” takes a look at the hype and realities of online business and includes major topics; About The Business, About Leaders, Marketing Systems, Online Business Models, Being A Success On The Net, What You Need To Profit and Integrity. Click “Discovering The Underground Home Business Revolution” to… Read More »

Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners > Home Business Mindset

Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners – overview Understanding motivation isn’t too difficult. Motivation basically involves stimulating people so that they work in the desired direction to achieve their goals. The main psychological factors that stimulate people are recognition, money, success, fame, work satisfaction and teamwork. Motivation can not only be useful but inspiring. When… Read More »

Business Budget Planning – Make Business Budgeting A Success Rather Than A Nightmare

All businesses start out with three main elements prominently featured in the general make up of the endeavor. These would be listed as revenue to be earned, expenses to be incurred along the way and the projected profits expected. These three categories are usually studied in depth before the actual business entity is launched and… Read More »