IM Management – Marketing Online Resources Resource Site with Instruction Ebooks, Reports, Articles, Videos and Tools for Online Marketing Fri, 16 Jun 2023 16:31:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 IM Management – Marketing Online Resources 32 32 Don’t Ruin Your Business with Unethical Behavior > Free Online Business Report Fri, 16 Jun 2023 16:31:04 +0000 Read More »]]> Online Business report “Don’t Ruin Your Business with Unethical Behavior” includes main topics: Stealing Other People’s Products and Selling It as Your Own. Mistreating Someone You Partnered Up with. Promoting People as an Affiliate Who You Know Are Doing Unethical Things. Lying About the Product on Your Sales Page. Coming Back from Scandal in a New Disguise. Claiming Ignorance to Unethical Behavior as a Reason for Your Blunder. Using Tools and Strategies That Mislead the Consumer. Be Better and Protect Your Business and Reputation. Click “Don’t Ruin Your Business with Unethical Behavior” to download (293 KB pdf) this free Internet Marketing report.

Free Online Business Ebook

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10 Internet Marketing Strategies > Free Online Marketing Report Sat, 11 Feb 2023 17:55:35 +0000 Read More »]]> Online Marketing report “10 Internet Marketing Strategies” covers; “Internet marketing can be approached in a methodical way to meet your goals, whether they are to increase traffic or income from your online ventures. Typically, these are the two major goals of Internet marketers as they each tie into each other. The more traffic you receive, the more likely your bottom line increases, and the more money you can generate from your sites the more you have to increase your business and attract more traffic“. Click “10 Internet Marketing Strategies” to download (306 KB pdf) this free report.

10 Internet Marketing Strategies

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Why Some People Fail at Internet Marketing > Free Report Sat, 11 Feb 2023 17:18:32 +0000 Read More »]]> Internet Marketing report “Why Some People Fail at Internet Marketing” covers; “What most people fail to realize is that the same types of obstacles and challenges that people have when they go into business offline are the same obstacles and challenges they might face online, except in a different format. If you have difficulty selling items in a regular brick-and-mortar store, don’t think that slapping a website up on the World Wide Web is going to transform you into an instant super sales person. It won’t. Instead, seek to become a better business person all around, taking your cue from basic business practices, and then transferring those skills online to be successful“. Click “Why Some People Fail at Internet Marketing” to download (305 KB pdf) this free report.

Why Some People Fail at Internet Marketing

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AI for Entrepreneurs > Free Internet Marketing Ebook Tue, 07 Feb 2023 04:55:43 +0000 Read More »]]> Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Internet Marketing ebook “AI for Entrepreneurs” looks at: Introduction, What AI Can Do for You, How to Incorporate AI into Your Business, How to Get Started Quickly, Taking Your Business to the Next Level with AI, 3 Tips to Using AI Successfully, Final Words and Resources. Click “AI for Entrepreneurs” to download (493 KB pdf) this free ebook.

AI for Entrepreneurs Free Ebook

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Online Reputation Management > Free Online Business Report Mon, 06 Feb 2023 19:19:08 +0000 Read More »]]> Online Business/Promotion report “Online Reputation Management” looks into main topics of; Introduction, Getting Started, Strategies for Responding to Negative Reviews, Best Practices for Promoting Positive Content, How to Build a Strong Online Reputation, Pro Tip: Audit Your Website, Final Tips and Resources. Click “Online Reputation Management” to download (421 KB pdf) this free online business ebook.

Online Reputation Management Report

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Insider Pricing Strategies > Free Business Ebook Sun, 05 Feb 2023 04:54:39 +0000 Free Business ebook “Insider Pricing Strategies” looks into: Know Your Audience, The B.L.S Formula, Set Yourself Apart, Value Stack Strategy, The GAP Strategy, Loss Leader Strategy, Qualify Your Customers, Incorporate Social Proof, Provide Top-Notch Support, Final Thoughts and Resources. Click “Insider Pricing Strategies” to download (502 KB pdf) this Business information ebook.


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100 Business Boosting Ideas > Free Business Report Mon, 30 Jan 2023 18:56:46 +0000 Business operational report “100 Business Boosting Ideas” covers; “This ebook will give you 100 business self help ideas. It includes all kinds of different ways to overcome negative business problems. It will turn your negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones“. Click “100 Business Boosting Ideas” to download (255 KB pdf) this free report.

100 Business Boosting Ideas

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Discovering The Underground Home Business Revolution > Free Online Business Ebook Wed, 25 Jan 2023 19:36:11 +0000 Read More »]]> Online Business ebook “Discovering The Underground Home Business Revolution” takes a look at the hype and realities of online business and includes major topics; About The Business, About Leaders, Marketing Systems, Online Business Models, Being A Success On The Net, What You Need To Profit and Integrity. Click “Discovering The Underground Home Business Revolution” to download (604 KB pdf) this free ebook.

Discovering The Underground Home Business Revolution

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Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners > Home Business Mindset Thu, 12 Jan 2023 20:55:46 +0000 Read More »]]> Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners – overview

Understanding motivation isn’t too difficult. Motivation basically involves stimulating people so that they work in the desired direction to achieve their goals. The main psychological factors that stimulate people are recognition, money, success, fame, work satisfaction and teamwork.

Motivation can not only be useful but inspiring. When a person faces a difficult task or situation they often feel discouraged and lack motivation to move forward. This can often lead to a reduction of the driving force or power, behind accomplishing any task. When you are trying to run and grow your own business this lack of motivation can mean the difference between success and failure.

The key to maintaining motivation is to learn to form a positive attitude for your own capabilities. The two major things that contribute towards this are; what expectations you have for yourself and what value you place on accomplishing your goals, because the more you value finishing a task and becoming, the more motivated you feel. If you don’t place value on a particular goal or task, it will only contribute to your lack of motivation.

– There are a number of ways to keep yourself motivated:

Firstly, be realistic in assessing your capabilities. Stop thinking that you have to be the best in everything. No one is perfect. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. If you take the time to learn what you’re good at and what you’re not so good at it will help you to improve your capabilities, which in turn will help you stay motivated.

Secondly if you experience failure, don’t beat yourself up. Instead try to keep a positive attitude especially in situations that can’t be controlled. Also make sure you don’t underestimate even when you are faced with challenges that you don’t think you can handle. Always try to focus on the things you can control and look for ways that you can do things differently to help you reach your end goal.

Thirdly be honest when you assess your performance. Did you give a 100 percent? If you feel you have and still not achieved your goals, then change your study or work instead of giving up change your strategy.

Lastly be responsible for your behavior. Do not blame others or make excuses when things don’t go as planned. Instead, take time to develop your skills so that the next time you try you can improve your results. Avoid getting trapped into the “I can’t or don’t want to” cycle of self-doubt. Instead take responsibility for your actions and keep moving towards achieving your goals. This in turn will help keep you motivated as you grow your business

Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners – how to stay motivated when you run your own home business

It happens gradually, and almost goes unnoticed. You’re not getting much done as you did before and you don’t feel like working as hard as you used to, to grow your business. That is your motivation slipping away.

It’s not necessarily because you’re lazy, or don’t possess the skills necessary to get things done. Nonetheless you are still beginning feeling guilty which only fuels the fires of self-doubt. It’s a vicious cycle.

As a home based business most of us consider ourselves lucky to be working from home. We know being our own boss has its benefits and perks like flexible hours, no commuting and not having to answer to anyone other than yourself. Along with these benefits also comes the responsibility of running and growing your business and even though we know this, the fact is that business motivation can diminish significantly over time for even the most dedicated owner. In fact, one of the biggest obstacles and challenges we come across is how to stay motivated when faced with obstacles.

Think back to when you first began your business, you were overflowing with passion, energy, enthusiasm and there was no way to stop you, but lately, you find yourself wondering where your passion went. Does that sound familiar? The good news is that there are many things you can do to re-ignite the motivational fire you once had even if you are in a rut or facing an unsurmountable obstacle.

– Take a break

One of the first things you should do is take time to re-energize. As I mentioned above no matter how determined and focused you are, there are times when your motivation will dwindle and you’ll need to recover. One good way to achieve this is by taking a break from whatever you are doing.

This might simply mean playing a game with friends or family, taking a walk or watching a funny movie so that you can have a good laugh. The purpose of taking a break from your routine duties is to clear your head so that you can regain your focus.

– Set boundaries

It’s a good idea to create boundaries for yourself. Think about it, in regular jobs, there are specific boundaries that we have come to accept and anticipate. We have specific lunch breaks, work hours, days off and vacation time. When working on your own business, it is very important to set similar boundaries in order to stay focused and on track.

Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners – how to stay motivated even when you’re in a slump

The good news is that even when there is a lack of motivation there is still that hope and desire to succeed. The trick is to find ways to keep moving forward even when you are feeling unmotivated.

– Positive thinking

One strategy is to try and switch your way of thinking, from the negative to the positive. Negative thoughts don’t do you any good they only hold you back, especially when it comes to running a business. While this may not seem like a big deal, taking the time to recognize negative thoughts and thinking about positive ways to combat them can really help increase motivation and your desire to succeed.

– Commitment

Another good strategy for staying motivated simply requires a commitment to never quitting or giving up on the task at hand. Even though it can be easier to just throw in the towel and give up it is very important to find a way to continue forward even if it takes longer than anticipated. To accomplish this, try to focus on how you will feel after you have reached your goal and it will help increase your motivation.

Even though continually maintaining your motivation will have its ups and downs and can be one of the hardest things you’ll do if you can find the drive to keep moving towards your goals you will find that you are much happier and self-confident.

– Immersion

When you are trying to run and grow a business it’s important to strive for success and one way you can do that is by totally immersing yourself in the task at hand. This is a great way to not only be motivated towards reaching a goal but also an inspirational technique that helps keep a positive attitude even when you are faced with challenges.

– Small steps

Lastly, when you are feeling overwhelmed and less than motivated try taking smaller steps instead of large strides. As we have been learning through these lesson being unmotivated is something that can take a toll on your life and your business. It leads to feelings of inadequacy which only triggers the cycle of self-doubt which is no fun at all and tends to make you feel like doing even less. This sort of mental block can literally make it impossible to think straight let alone get anything done.

By breaking down tasks, taking small steps and doing a little bit at a time you can achieve small goals which will help make you feel more productive, increase your motivation and inevitably make it possible to reach the end result you are hoping for.

Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners – some quick tips for staying motivated in any situation

As most people go through their daily activities, they often feel overwhelmed with all of the things they have to do. So much in fact that many people begin to feel like everything is going wrong and nothing is working out, so they just give up. If you have ever felt like you just want to curl up and disappear then you probably understand how this can take a toll your motivation.

When you are running a business you really don’t have time to run away and hide because there are things have to be done whether you like it or not! Your success depends on your ability to power through even when you don’t want to. For that to happen, a few things may need to change in your routine and your way of thinking.

– Mindset

That is why having the proper mindset is so important to maintaining your motivation. The way you think is a big part of who you are and influences how you react to different situations.

As a business owner you always have things to do and challenges to face. By learning how to keep a positive attitude through the tough times you will find that it actually gives you more energy to handle the workload and any challenges that arise.

– Rewards

This might sound a bit self-absorbed but you need to reward yourself. When you do all the hard work you deserve a pat on the back. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you that you did a good job. Recognize the milestones you’ve made and be good to yourself.

– Ask for help

When you feel like your energy levels are running low don’t be afraid to ask for help. Working with others to complete a task is a great way to keep motivated because you can push each other to do better and get more done. As a business owner chances are you feel like you have to do everything yourself and have a hard time sharing your workload, but if you can learn to let people help you then you will find that you will get more done, feel less stressed and more motivated. It’s important to try and be a little more patient with yourself because it takes time to accomplish major milestones.

– Take a risk

Don’t be afraid to take risks. There is a lot of inspiration that comes from trying something new and it works out. There is also a certain level of satisfaction that comes from knowing that you made the right call. Believe in your capabilities and trust your instincts. It’s the best way to keep your motivation for moving forward.

Motivation Tips for Home Business Owners – tips that will help you stay motivated and increase productivity in your business

Anyone can get motivated if they do certain things that help them to stay focused and excited about moving forward. In this article we review three simple ways to give yourself a boost that will keep you excited.

– Reward yourself

When you attain goals that you set for yourself, or after achieving your dream. Sometimes we neglect to appraise ourselves for the little achievements we make along the way. Remember that many people may not see the small steps you take in life which makes it even harder when people around you sometimes don’t appreciate what you do.

Learn to always give yourself a pat on the back. Treat yourself to a movie or some candle lit bath or a sleep inn every time you attain your goal. Maintain a reward all the time as this will lead you to getting to your long term goals where the reward is much bigger. This will give you the momentum you need to keep pushing forward.

– Read success stories

Reading the history of people that have overcome huge huddles in life will inspire you to believe in yourself and understand that if it can happen for them then it is possible for you. This will surely motivate you to keep moving forward. When you think of what others have had to overcome in their journey of life then it keeps you in the mode of moving forward because at times your problems are not as big compared to others.

Get yourself motivational books, DVDs, listen and watch what they say. This messages will keep you exited and in a positive mind. Keep watching as many times as you can as this will cause the brain to digest and understand.

– Learn from failure

Failure can often be a good learning lesson; it doesn’t have to define you or end your dreams. Instead learn from it and move on to the next step. It only becomes a failure if you quit. Many individuals find it difficult to get over a mistake which is natural for anyone to make but the only difference is how fast you move on. When you take the time to learn from your failure you gain a wealth of experience.

These experiences will often serve some sort of purpose in your life and can help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. Without some failures in life it can hard to realize your full potential, will power and strength.

When it comes to increase productivity there are several steps you can take that will help you keep your business better organized.

– List and prioritize

This will enable you to define and prioritize the things you need to accomplish. Break your tasks into manageable parts to allow you do them quicker. When possible begin with the most difficult task, once completed, you will easily get through the remaining work quickly. You should give your tasks a time limit, that way you will be able to avoid procrastination and get more done.

– Avoid distractions

Email, social media and general browsing in most cases is a huge distraction that can stop you from completing your tasks. Try to avoid them especially when you need to concentrate or complete a task before the set deadline.

If you find this hard to do you can try using an app like Rescue Time to help identify and understand your daily habits so you can eliminate time wasting activities and focus on being more productive.

– Stay organized

Even when you work from home it is important to keep your workspace clean and clutter free. Take time to develop a workable routine and use a calendar to schedule everything. It doesn’t matter whether it is paper or electronic. Use a color-coding system to indicate what type of appointments and tasks you have scheduled. When you have a timeline to follow you will find that you will get a lot more done and you will feel less overwhelmed.

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Business Budget Planning – Make Business Budgeting A Success Rather Than A Nightmare Thu, 12 Jan 2023 04:19:25 +0000 Read More »]]> All businesses start out with three main elements prominently featured in the general make up of the endeavor. These would be listed as revenue to be earned, expenses to be incurred along the way and the projected profits expected. These three categories are usually studied in depth before the actual business entity is launched and through this process there is always the need to have an effective budgeting platform in place. Get all the info you need here.

Businesses Budgeting Basics

In determining the total revenue the budgeting exercise can take on a rather stressful state if this is not done in a factual and clear manner. Having a clear picture, statistically, of the revenue expected and the revenue streams where the identification of the ways the business entity if going to make money will contribute to the actual business engine’s financial status. This form of budgeting is important in ensuring the business entity does not project unrealistic revenue earnings that will eventually fall short of the expectations.

The Basics

  • The expenses which usually fall into three separate categories such as the semi-variables, fixed costs and the variables are also usually considered in the budgeting exercise. All these calculations are done on the monthly ratio which the business progress dictates. This is the most detailed section of the business engine and usually also required the most attention when it comes to managing the costing elements. The profits meant to be derived are usually the reasons why the business endeavor is being taken on in the first place, thus the basic profits calculated are also part of the budgeting process.
  • Successful business entities calculate the monthly budgets and make the necessary adjustments accordingly to ensure optimum profit making probabilities. Calculations for budgeting purposes can also be done on a daily, weekly or monthly basis depending on the individual business requirements and style.

Steps To Better Business Budgeting

Without proper budgeting techniques in place, the business entity runs the risk of not being able to get a handle on the financing aspects, thus creating a lot of eventual complicating scenarios which become a nightmare for the business. Being able to accurately estimate the expenses and revenues expected is important to any business entity as it is one of the ways to ensure the proper finances are available at any given time to enable the business to run smoothly.

The Steps

The following are some tips on how to ensure the budgeting exercise for the business in on track and effective:

  • Checking industry standards and sentiments of the time is something that needs to be done periodically as the percentages of revenue earning possibilities is often affected by the market behaviors.
  • The smaller the business entity, the more likely it is to be effected by the volatility of the market, and this is especially so when there is a downturn in the economy.
  • Designing an accurate spreadsheet is another essential element that should be included as part of the budgeting exercise. Making clear estimates on the revenue amounts expected against the percentages allocated toward tools and materials relevant to the business will give a clear overview of expected expenses incurred.
  • Factoring some degree of slack and avenues to cut cost can also be clearly reflected in a comprehensive budgeting exercise.
  • Understanding that there is bound to be a lot of movement within the economy that will eventually have some bearing on the business entity and then taking the necessary financial step to limit its liability will help to keep the budgeting exercise more realistic. Ideally this will also provide better for better cost cutting exercises that can positively contribute to the overall success of the business.

How And What To Consider When Preparing A Business Plan And Budget

All businesses at some point or another have to consider the preparing of a business plan and budgeting exercise for its key contribution of the success and smooth running of the business engine.

What To Think About

There are many elements to consider in such an exercise and the following are just some of the more necessary considerations recommended:

  • Business plans and budgeting exercises are designed to give those involved in the business a fairly accurate and current assessment of the business and its future intended direction.
  • The plans will also ensure the relevant information is available to assist in the business growth based on the funds available. Such information is essential to the business, especially if there is a need to secure financing facilities such as overdraft tools and bank loans or venture capital funding.
  • The business budget should ideally be the most accurate form of documentation available for the continuous reviewing of the business environment against the actual performance the business is running at. Most of the budgeting exercises reflect information on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual basis.
  • Focus should be given to area such as the reviewing of the current year’s progress based on the decisions that brought about the present positioning of the business entity.
  • All objectives and strategies that are in place or projected to be so through the action plans and benchmarks it is measured against.
    Resources should also be considered for its consistency and reliability, as these elements can and usually do effect the business in some way or another when problems arise.
  • The anticipated results are also something to be considered as it may require changes to be made is such anticipations take on a negative form.
  • Therefore on several different levels the benefits are evident when there is proper planning stages set up in the form of business plans and budgets.

The Ins And Outs Of Corporate Budgeting

Corporate budgeting is important to any business entity where the financial position of the company dictates the strategies, motivations and achievements that are to be chosen.

Big Business

The following are some of the issues that most corporate budgeting exercises encompass:

  • The designing of the budget and then the processes involved in informing the various levels within the company structure which may include all subsidiaries and linked business units. It also provides the clarity and consistence, though in quite general terms regarding procedures, responsibilities and time lines that would have direct connections to the corporate budgeting exercise.
  • With the corporate budgeting in place there is a definition of strategy success factors and organizational performances indicators in place that can better gauge the overall condition of the company’s performance. The methodology used can also be assisted using the relevant software, especially when implementing budgeting software.
  • There is also the possibility of being able to have follow-up process added into the general outline to analyze and variances that may be evident.
  • The definition of revenue, cost and balance sheet items will be able be better observed through the more complete corporate budgeting tools thus providing information that is vital for future consideration.
  • The cycle time which would ideally include the streamlined consolidation procedures will also be dealt with and worked out through the budgeting process, all of which is much simpler and more effective and ensures the eventual smoother running of the business entity.
  • There are a number of software programs available that can assist in making the whole process a lot easier, as the more recent software take into account the complexities arising from the reconciliation problems of streamlining spreadsheets and workbooks reporting structures. This will be helpful when clearer overviews are needed to make accurate projections for the company.

Including Social Business Budgets In The Plan

Every business needs a social business plan template, and this will vary according to the business style and direction the business is to take. For some the use of social media tools would be an added advantage while for others having the budget to have trainings conducted periodically on the social business working s presents a better option. Either way any use of budget for the social business platform should ideally bring forth positive results.

The Social Side

  • Budget planning should be in line with the idea of providing all the assisting skill to its work force to ensure the business entity is made into a successful one.
  • As social strategies have proven to meet the most integral part of the business direction, there is a definite necessity for this exercise to be included in the budgeting plan.
  • The normal processes would include the maturing of the work force structure in accordance with the social business style thus creating a better and more functional force as the business entity grows from strength to strength.
  • The budget should ideally comprise of the following important component which are the internal soft costs which is from staff, education and training.
  • The R&D sectors also get the relevant attention for the budgeting allocations. When it comes to addressing customer issues there should be allocations for marketing, blogger outreach and other assisting tools that would help the business entity understand the customers grievances if any better.
  • As for the technological advancement, the budgeting provided for here should create the possibility of having social media managements systems in place or any other community platforms where engagement and interactions can be done is a proactive way.
  • If there is an advanced social business budget in place, then other elements can be addressed such as the shift of resources with the social business initiatives that have to this point been done internally, to using external assistance such as services and agencies that promote such facilities.

Impacts Of Debts On Business Budgets

It may be rather surprising to note that there are some debts that are considered “healthy” debts within the frame of a business budget. These may include debts incurred during the course of setting up the business which are normally looked upon as investments but are none the less debt incurring costs.


In the effort to keep these debts from becoming the focal point of the revenue earning desired there are ways to limit its impact. When deciding to start a business, the individual should take into account all the different aspects that the business would have to focus on, and all the relevant tools it would need to do so effectively and efficiently.

  • Once there is a clear outline of such needs then sourcing for these without creating huge impacts on the actual budget available for the business would be a good start.
  • Looking into possibilities of acquiring used supporting materials and tools, cheaper yet effective ways of advertising, working out of a smaller and less fancy environment, keeping overhead to a minimal, looking into tax reliefs and rebates are just some of the actions that can be taken.
  • All these should be able to contribute positively to keeping the initial start up cost lower, thus providing a healthy cash flow that would allow the business entity to start off on a better footing.
  • If this is not possible based on the investments necessary to get the business going then other options need to be explored such as working the business entity to its optimum so that the investments will be justified and the debts incurred will not be considered a bad business tactic. Finding ways to maximize the business engine to produce the desired revenue at a much quicker pace will also eventually allow the debts to be cleared or brought to a minimum thus preventing it from eating into the profits made.

Managing Business Budgets And Finances Together

For many businesses, being able to find a balance between these two seemingly similar elements can prove to be a rather uphill battle that eventually spills over into the actual business survival itself.

Putting It Together

Most businesses especially the smaller start up ones, run into trouble soon after its operations begin, due to a variety of factors all of which revolves around finances.

  • For the enthusiastic business owner, the initial action of providing credit to customers may end up being a very poor business decision that will cost the business entity its future.
  • By this action the intention is to entice the customer to make a commitment with the promise of eventual payment forthcoming. However this style does not really help the business entity as a whole.
  • In order to start up the business, there may have been debts incurred which require the servicing of interest, thus without some incoming revenue immediately enjoyed, such debts will not be adequately serviced thus incurring the possibility of even further debts and this will eventually be the factor that falters the positive business growth.
  • To minimize this possibility, the business owner should have a strong budgeting and finance allowance in place where all possibilities have been explored and suitable actions have been designed to counter or address any of the possible anticipated problems. Elements such as credit control systems should be well planned and firmly in place to ensure the business engine is not compromised in any way. Using the initial finances all budgeting exercises should be done in an in depth form so that additional finances are not needed nor encouraged.

Wrapping Up

Although some may argue, that getting into cash flow difficulties is not unusual or catastrophic being able to avoid this would be a good way to start and maintain a successful business. The important point to remember, is to keep the budgeting exercise well within the finances available.

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