Category Archives: Sales Conversion

Keep Customers Extremely Happy and Buying More > Online Customer Service Report

Online Marketing report “How to Keep Customers Extremely Happy and Buying More” covers: “It can be hard to keep customers happy and buy more, but there are a few key things that you can do to make it easier. This report will help you understand customer decisions and actions. Each section outlines an in-depth explanation… Read More »

Sales Funnels Masterclass > Marketing Instruction Video

Online Marketing instruction video “Sales Funnels Masterclass” looks at Why use sales funnels. How to think about Sales funnels. Sales funnels and affiliates. Vertical funnels. Developmental funnels. Horizontal funnels. Training & Workshop funnels. Pitch & High-Ticket funnels. Video length 33:19 min. Login to view [membership level=”Free”] [/membership]

Push Marketing > Increase Sales Conversion Report

Online Marketing report “Push Marketing” covers “Push notifications keep people up to date on your products and services, get them involved in your community, and reward customer loyalty. In fact, research has shown that a well-written and well-timed push notification can increase click-through rate by up to 700%!” Member download link (login) > [membership level=”Free”]… Read More »

Product Funnel Optimization > Online Marketing Ebook

Internet Marketing MRR ebook “Product Funnel Optimization” covers A dynamic overview of a successful business profit funnel, How to implement your own product funnel so that it works, Developing your own low-ticket initial product ideas, Devising mid-ticket products for additional sales, Maximizing your profitability through high-ticket products, Recognizing customer needs and desires as you plan.… Read More »

How to Write Internet Sales Pages That Sell > Online Copywriting Report

Internet Marketing report “How to Write Internet Sales Pages That Sell” looks at “The first basic element of an effective Internet marketing (IM) sales page is the headline. Just like a newspaper sells based on the front-page headlines, your IM sales page is going to get viewers on the basis of the main headline. Thus,… Read More »

Maximizing Sales Funnels > Free Internet Marketing Ebook

Internet Marketing ebook “Maximizing Sales Funnels” looks at: A dynamic overview of a successful business profit funnel. How to implement your own product funnel so that it works. Developing your own low-ticket initial product ideas. Devising mid-ticket products for additional sales. Maximizing your profitability through high-ticket products. Recognizing customer needs and desires as you plan.… Read More »

Banner Ad Bomb > Free Online Advertising Ebook

Online Advertising ebook “Banner Ad Bomb” includes chapters; Banner Ad Basics. Choose A Great Punch Line. Make Sure You Have Great Copy. Use Attention Words Like Free And New. Including Logos And Urls. Use Attention Grabbing Graphics and How Banner Ads Can Advance Your Net Marketing Income. Click “Banner Ad Bomb” to download (617 KB… Read More »

Unleash The Power Of Ad Tracking > Free Ebook

Online Marketing ebook “Unleash The Power Of Ad Tracking” covers: Pricing: Testing and Tracking Your Business. Never Do Business without a Tracking System. Evaluate Your Online Ad’s Response. Ad Tracking Is Essential To Run A Successful Online Business. Ad-Tracking: A Boon to Web Business. Hit Counters. Conversion Tracking. Learn About Several Ad Tracking Software. Ad… Read More »