Top Tips to Boost Energy and Productivity for Digital Marketers > IM Lifestyle

If you’re a digital marketer, then the amount of work you can do to in a day will be directly proportional to the satisfaction of your clients, the amount of repeat business you get and ultimately, the amount of money you earn.

Want to be more successful? You need to increase your productivity.

Here are a few ways that internet marketers can do that and raise their energy levels at the same time…


There are a wide range of different supplements that can greatly boost your productivity, energy levels and concentration. These are becoming increasingly popular and are often referred to as ‘nootropics’ or ‘smart drugs’.

The problem is that some of these are very beneficial and effective, while others can actually cause more harm than good… and it can be tricky to know which are which. Stick to things that would occur in the body naturally or in our diets (minerals, vitamins, nutrients, herbs, amino acids) and avoid anything that is only available on prescription! Some good options include: vitamin B complex, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acid, caffeine + l-theanine, dark chocolate and cordyceps.

Sensory Deprivation

This might sound a little dramatic, but I’m actually only talking about sound.

If you want to enhance your focus, then something you can do is to try and block out all outside distracting sounds. One way to do that is to listen to white noise – and this is a strategy that some people actually use!

Another way is to listen to music that you know very well and to put it on repeat. Because there is nothing novel in the soundtrack, the brain will eventually tune it out and this means you can become completely engrossed in what you’re doing!

Watching YouTube

This might sound counterintuitive but sometimes it can be a great help to watch someone playing a game on YouTube, to watch music videos on silent or to otherwise give yourself some kind of ‘movement’ to watch. Author Tim Ferriss likes to watch his favorite movies on silent.

This is effective because it provides us with a little stimulation. One of the reasons we often struggle to do our work – such as writing guest posts – is because it’s boring. The human brain likes light, color, noise and movement and when it doesn’t get that, it starts looking for distractions.

By watching someone play a game on YouTube or doing something else that has no dialog or narrative, this gives your eyes and the more action-oriented parts of your brain something to keep them occupied. Meanwhile, your reasoning, planning and verbal parts can focus on the job at hand!

Leave Work Unfinished

Want to make sure you get off to a great start with your work tomorrow? One quick tip is to try leaving work a little unfinished. Start a project, half write it, and then leave it. This is very powerful because we naturally feel inclined to finish work that we’ve started. You’ll almost feel like you have to leap into action as soon as you get started the next day!

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Tools and Tips to Help You Run Your Digital Marketing Business From Anywhere! > IM Lifestyle

Breath of the Wild is a new Zelda game from Nintendo that has launched to incredibly rave reviews. What’s so popular about it? Partly what makes it such a hit is the incredible open world on display and the way that this is married with a wondrous sense of adventure and discovery. This is a game that has you cooking apples by the fire for sustenance and then climbing hug cliff faces the next day, before facing off against monsters.

What if life was like that?

Well, a lot of savvy internet marketers (and other self-employed individuals), have found a way to make that dream a reality. By working online as a ‘digital nomad’, it is possible to work from anywhere, all while exploring the world and going on countless adventures. This might mean meeting people in bars and having amazing conversations over drinks while the sea laps against the shore, or it might mean typing away in a bar in a foreign country, listening to music and watching the world go by on the cobbled streets outside.

And sometimes, it means scaling a mountain and cooking apples…

The only problem is trying to balance the adventure and excitement with the fact that you have to actually get work done. Here are some tips and tools that will help…

Get Slack

One of the advantages to being within close proximity to clients is the way that you can discuss issues as they crop up, and the way that you can have a laugh and forge relationships. This is lost when you work online, but the messaging app called ‘Slack’ goes some way to bringing it back.

The idea of Slack is essentially ‘WhatsApp for business’. You can create groups from people you know and then participate in conversations, or you can message individuals just to ask a question or tell a joke.

Try Asana

Meanwhile, for managing larger projects, Asana is another incredibly useful tool. This will allow you to see multiple ongoing projects and discuss them with other people assigned to the same jobs. It’s a great way to collaborate with a large team and also just to keep on top of lots of jobs you have at once for yourself!

Use World Time Buddy

This is the one and only world clock you will need. Available both as an app, and as a website.

Getting the Balance Right and Enjoying the Trip

Remember: when you are exploring and seeing the world, there’s no need to earn a massive wage. The aim is to earn as much as you need to travel, plus a little extra as a safety net.

But don’t stress too much about having to work. Another good tip is to find ways to make work more enjoyable. Finding a beautiful spot to work in is one good example of doing this. It’s not so bad submitting links when you’re doing it from the top of a mountain!

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How to Become Internet Famous as an Internet Marketer > Online Branding

Being an internet marketer is an incredibly rewarding way to make money from your own smarts and creativity and the reward for that initiative is greater freedom and sense of personal accomplishment.

But at times, it can also feel like a somewhat thankless job. After all, when you are an internet marketer, your job essentially revolved around helping to promote other people’s businesses. This means you’ll be promoting people who know less about internet marketing than you, all while remaining quietly in the background.

What if you’d like to try out some of that ‘glory’? What if you’d like to be recognized for your hard work and skill? In that case, you could always try turning your internet marketing business around and using it to promote yourself as well!

Creating a Personal Brand

A good place to start is by creating a ‘personal brand’. A personal brand is a brand that puts you front and center. A good example of this is Pat Flynn, who owns ‘Smart Passive Income’. While his website doesn’t feature his name, it is nevertheless a prominent feature right next to the logo, as is his own face and voice.

Pat will often talk about himself and this is part of what helps him to promote the site. People feel as though they can trust him because they feel as though they know him a little bit. He is literally a friendly face.

On top of this, Pat’s exposure makes him something of an internet celebrity. He is invited to give talks at prestigious events, he gets lots of fan mail and he is very much in the public eye.

While there are many different definitions for what makes someone ‘successful’, these are yardsticks that many of us use and thus I imagine that Pat goes to bed at night feeling rather proud of himself.

Consider setting up a similar scenario for yourself!

How to Grow Your Blog

To do this then, you need to look at ways to grow your channel while keeping that personal nature at the forefront. One way to do this, is to create a YouTube channel. A YouTube channel is a great way to talk directly to an audience and to feel as though they know you. Likewise, it will give you huge exposure – greater exposure than you would even get from daytime TV.

Meanwhile, use your own internet marketing skill to get your blog to the top of Google, while positioning yourself as an expert in your niche and an authority. Another tip is to make sure that you are living the lifestyle that you promote – a disconnect will prevent this from working.

Don’t become a fitness blogger then unless you really do love fitness. That way, you can become the ‘face’ of your blog and people will soon start to seek you out for your opinion.

This way, you can gain some modicum of internet fame and when that happens, you’ll find that countless new opportunities emerge.

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Dealing With Moral Questions as a Digital Marketer > IM Management

Probably you became a digital marketer partly because you thought it would be a great way to enjoy a little more freedom and a little less stress and politics. This way, you can focus on completing simple tasks for clients while everyone else stays out of your hair. You get to pick and choose the work and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, or argue with a ‘boss’.

Except none of that is quite true. Because as an internet marketer, you will probably be dealing with clients who will be hiring you for your services. This in turn means you will sometimes be given projects or work to do that you don’t fully agree with or want to do.

And sometimes this can create a moral quandary.

Moral Issues in Marketing

For example, what do you do if someone comes to you and asks you to use your skills to help them promote a health supplement that you believe actually causes more issues than it solves?

In this scenario, you now have the option to do the work and feel a little dirty about it – potentially causing someone out there to waste their money and at the same time hurt themselves with a product that is bad for them.

The other option though is to refuse to do the work, in which case you lose the money in the short term but also make yourself appear more ‘difficult’, which may well mean that you don’t get more work from them in the future either.

To some people, this will seem like a no brainer: it’s wrong to do the work and you need to stand by your morals, so you turn it down!

But this then means that you are now judging the content of the work you are promoting. You now need to ask whether it’s right to judge, or whether you should simply provide an objective service.

0Where do you draw the line otherwise? What if you think someone is selling an ebook that isn’t quite up to your standards? What if someone is promoting a view that you don’t agree with?

Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the luxury to pick and choose every piece of work that we do. What’s more, is that we are denying people their right to freedom of speech if we do.

What’s the Solution

So, what’s the answer?

Unfortunately, that is not something I can answer for you. Ultimately, this will depend on the type of work you are being asked to do. It will depend on your own values and it will depend on how much you need the money!

The only tip I can provide is to be ready for this. To make a mental note of where you draw the line. And if you’re going to rule out certain types of work, then be sure to advertise that on your website so that clients know in advance and so that you aren’t seen to be picking and choosing on a whim.

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