Ebook Marketing – Marketing Online Resources https://marketing-online-resources.com Resource Site with Instruction Ebooks, Reports, Articles, Videos and Tools for Online Marketing Fri, 16 Sep 2022 01:32:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://marketing-online-resources.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/favicon-150x150.ico Ebook Marketing – Marketing Online Resources https://marketing-online-resources.com 32 32 Leveraging eBooks In The Digital Era > Product Creation Ebook https://marketing-online-resources.com/leveraging-ebooks-in-the-digital-era-product-creation-ebook/ https://marketing-online-resources.com/leveraging-ebooks-in-the-digital-era-product-creation-ebook/#respond Fri, 16 Sep 2022 01:32:04 +0000 https://marketing-online-resources.com/?p=316 Read More »]]> Internet Marketing ebook “Leveraging eBooks in the Digital Era” covers E-book Basics, Decide How Your Book Will Be Used, Decide On Formats Relative To How Your E-book Will Be Used, Choose A Relevant Topic, Put Your E-book Together, Arrange The Ads In Your E-book, Decide What Extras To Include In Your E-book Package, Market your E-book Depending On Its Use and Launching Your Product. Member download link > [membership level=”Free”] “Leveraging eBooks In The Digital Era” [/membership] to download (370 KB pdf) this product creation ebook.

Leveraging eBooks In The Digital Era Ebook

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