Online Sales Conversion – Marketing Online Resources Resource Site with Instruction Ebooks, Reports, Articles, Videos and Tools for Online Marketing Wed, 04 Oct 2023 00:24:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Online Sales Conversion – Marketing Online Resources 32 32 Micro Moments > Free Internet Marketing Report Wed, 04 Oct 2023 00:24:34 +0000 Read More »]]> Internet Marketing Report “Micro Moments” covers “This special report aims to dive deep into these micro-moments, understanding their nuances and learning how to harness their power to combat cart abandonment”. Main headings include: Introduction, Moment Mastery, Moment Triggers, Resonant Content Crafting, Digital Dynamics, Loyalty & Longevity, Data-Driven Decisions, Future Frontiers, Amplifying Results and Resources. Click “Micro Moments” to download (517 KB pdf) this free marketing report.

Micro Moments Free Report

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Writing High Converting Affiliate Product Reviews > Affiliate Marketing Thu, 15 Jun 2023 17:28:09 +0000 Read More »]]> Finding a high paying commission program and a top quality product is not enough to guarantee that you will earn any money from your promotions. You have to make sure that the content that you write to review the product is going to convert well for you.

Many affiliates are not well versed in crafting product reviews. All they do is the bare minimum of capturing the same details that are on the listing page or sales page and pasting it into their own review.

But the consumer is hoping to get more from your content. They can go to the listing themselves and read all of the factual details about what is included in a product or what benefits it provides.

What they want from the affiliates that they follow is someone who understands their needs, and can convey accurately whether or not this product is going to fulfill them for them.

They want you to be honest and transparent about whether or not there are any drawbacks to the product. This does not necessarily sabotage the cell. In fact, being upfront with your readers is one thing they will appreciate.

When you write your review, you need to address their pain points and their goals and discuss how the product can serve them well. You want to write content that supplements what is already on the listing or sales page, and come up with innovative ways to use the product or benefit from what it has to offer.

It helps if you can back up your opinion with some sort of research or statistics. If you own the product, you may want to make a video review such as an unboxing video review or even snap some pictures that will share more detail about the product.

If you are promoting a digital product, then you may want to include some screenshots, as long as it does not give away any of the important product information that the vendor is selling.

Although you will be providing a link to pass the customer through to the sales page or listing, you still want to include a sense of urgency or use a strong call to action that entices the reader to click through and make their final determination on whether or not to buy the product.

As an affiliate, you will be able to slant your product reviews in a variety of different ways. You can review one single product, pit two products against one another, or even use a popular list format where you name the top 10 products for a niche purpose.

Related Info Products:

Affiliate Marketing Resources/Tools – Product Review Site

Affilorama – The #1 Affiliate Marketing Training Portal

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Ultimate USP > Unique Selling Proposition Report Sun, 05 Feb 2023 19:16:21 +0000 Marketing report “Ultimate USP” refers to “Unique Selling Proposition” and covers topics: Creating a Compelling USP, Things to Avoid, Targeting Your Audience, Creating Your USP: Competitive Edge, Testing Your USP, Communicating Your USP and Resources. Click “Ultimate USP” to download (490 KB pdf) this free Marketing report.


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Low Content Publishing > Free Online Publishing Ebook Sun, 05 Feb 2023 05:16:35 +0000 Digital Publishing ebook “Low Content Publishing” covers: Getting Started, Uncovering Hot Niches, Driving Traffic to Amazon, Maximizing Sales Quickly, The Right Way to Pin Content and Resources. Click “Low Content Publishing” to download (566 KB pdf) this free digital publishing business ebook.


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100 Advertising Tips > Free Online Sales Conversion Report Fri, 27 Jan 2023 20:17:25 +0000 Read More »]]> Online Sales Conversion report “100 Advertising Tips” covers; “This ebook will give you 100 advertising tips. It lists you all kinds of different ads you could create, post, purchase and use to market and advertise your business. Plus, each one gives you many different ideas for copywriting and increasing your conversion rates”. Click “100 Advertising Tips” to download (391 KB pdf) this free online marketing ebook.

100 Advertising Tips

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How to Use Words to Sell > Free Online Copywriting Report Wed, 11 Jan 2023 21:37:09 +0000 Read More »]]> Online Copywriting report “How to Use Words to Sell” covers; “One of the most powerful tools in your sales arsenal is the informed and judicious use of words and terminology. Words have the ability to entice a prospect, hold the attention of the potential buyer, and ultimately result in the establishment of a relationship that not only results in a sale today, but helps to create other sales activity in the future. Here are some ideas that will help you hone your sales vocabulary, and enhance your ability to utilize words that ultimately lead to productive client relationships“. Click “How to Use Words to Sell” to download (187 KB pdf) this free online marketing report.

How to Use Words to Sell Report

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Using Banner Ads to Increase Sales Conversion > Website Design Mon, 09 Jan 2023 17:49:17 +0000 Read More »]]> The Basics

The banner ad tool is not necessarily and expensive form of internet advertising not does it have many prohibiting features and this makes it an attractive proposition to use especially for the smaller business entrepreneur.
The ability of banner ads to bring in new traffic to the site is another reason to use this tool as it effectively provides the necessary interest in the site that features it. However it should be noted that banner ads are not something that should be randomly chosen just for the sake of advertising the product or service intended for the target audience.

Careful thought should be given to the style and content of the banner ad as it is the first phase of the content matter the prospect is going to be exposed to. Therefore the design should be done in an attention grabbing manner to not only to attract the attention of the target audience but to hold it too. An important feature to include in the banner ad  posting is to offer something for free or at a discount. This is a very quick and effective way of getting the attention of the viewer.

Choose A Great Punch Line

Most banner ads require a punch line to drive home the point of the ad or to make a statement that would adequately get the overall message across. These punch lines should be well designed and careful thought should be given to its content. The punch line is the element that is going contribute to the prospect wanting to explore further.

Get Attention

Here are some recommendations that should be considered when designing punch lines:

• Punch lines chosen should have a connective reference to the subject matter of the banner ads. Random one-liners will not serve the purpose of the overall ad well thus defeating the main purpose of getting the ad recognized. The viewing audience should be able to have a point of reference from the punch line to the banner ad being viewed.

• Punch lines should not be designed to be obscure where only a small percentage of the viewing audience will be able to relate to it. The idea of banner ads is to reach a wide target audience and not a focused few. If the punch line chosen can be understood randomly then the correct choice was made.

• Punch line should be brief as lengthy ones will get lost in translation. When the viewer is not able to instantly catch on then the punch line has not been well phrased. Punch lines can also contain witty remarks, sound effects, facial expressions and voice inflections. These can be added to create the excitement enhancing factor that will get the designed message across more effectively.

• The design of the punch line should also fit the demographics and the technical capabilities of the target audience. Designing material that is confusing and uninteresting to the audience based on their understanding capacities will eventually render the banner ads null and void in its quest to be well received.

Make Sure You Have Great Copy

Although banner ads are an ideal form of advertising platforms for the internet marketing arena there should be some serious thought put into the exercise of designing these ads. Visibility and quality are something that should get consideration in making a copy that would be both attractive and attention grabbing.

What You Say

Making a great copy would entail focusing on some important elements and the following are just some recommendation to consider:

• Visibility of the banner should ideally also consider the size aspect of the design. Selecting the best size that would create the desired impact on the viewer is how the popularity of the banner ads is heightened. Ideal size banner ads are full size which should be about 468 x 60 pixels, vertical banner ads should be about 120 x 240 pixels and the button size banner ad should be about 120 x 90 or 120 x 120 pixels.

• Flashing banner ads are more likely to catch the attention of the view as compared to still ones. It would be better to make use of the .gif images to make the flashing and rolling well placed to ensure the viewer is not irritated by the less than acceptable standards. Also having fewer frames improves the loading time thus giving the viewer a more efficiently run viewing.

• Adding footer lines at the bottom of the banner ads is also recommended as it helps add the sites to URL. Choosing to add some catchy notes at the bottom of the ads is also a good idea. The message content should be simplified while using the combined text and visual data.

• Posing questions in a visible and competition style design will create a good and interesting copy for the banner ads.

• Most banner ads today rely heavily on animations as this seems to be an effective attention grabbing tool.

Use Attention Words Like Free And New

Attention grabbing is the main aim of banner ads and if this is not effectively evident then the banner ad has not managed to successfully contribute to its purpose. The banner ads are supposed to the front line draw to the actual site’s content and so using words that would make this draw more effective is worth exploring.

Peak Interest

Using words such as free and new are some of the more popular choices to make as these words play on the minds of the viewer right from the start of the viewing process.

Anything that is touted to be free is considered attractive and thus compelling the viewer to explore further into the site visited. With this promise of something free the initial intention of getting the prospect to become an actual viewing participant is achieved.

This is especially beneficial to the host if the free promised is tagged to a purchase or any other type of firm commitment.

Therefore using the free element to acquire all this is indeed an area worth pursuing. However the free item should be something useful and not something that the viewer would eventually deem a waste of time and effort as this will eventually cause the adverse effects to occur.

This is very important to ensure the banner ads are not looked upon as some sort of spam which is definitely an unappreciated item. Using the term new also play a similar role in the quest to enticing the visitor to make a commitment or purchase.
Most people enjoy being able to acquire the latest or newest of anything available, thus by implying that it is possible to do so just by viewing the banner ads then it would not be too difficult a task to follow.

Including Logos And Urls

When getting the attention of the viewer is top priority then using the logos is a good way to start. Ideally logos are simple and informative through their design image and also almost always easily recognizable.

This makes it a good access point to the site. This is further enhanced when the exercise of embedding a URL is added into the equation. The embedded URL which is more commonly referred to as linking is done then the logo is saved as an image and the use of HTML becomes more accessible.

Spice It Up

There following are some guidelines which can be used in the quest to get the banner ads viewing optimized:

• Uploading the logo image file which by this point should be suitably designed to reflect the overall site content can commence. This is done or tagged to the intended website.

• Then the process of opening the HTML file of the webpage where the link is to be embedded is the next step. Both plain text and HTML editor can be used.

• The following should be typed into the intended area the link loge is to appear…..<a href=”http//”> replacing the with the URL that is best suited to link the logo.

• Then type the file name for the logo into the image tag using the following route <img src=> replacing it with the logo image previously uploaded.

• Then close the link tag with </a> the full HTML code will appear as follows – <a href=><img src=,.com/logo.jpg/></a>

• Uploading the web page to the web server can commence.

To ensure all is properly done one should check the uploaded page to ensure the linked logo is displayed properly. These are the technical assistance side of the process but suffice to say that without the well designed logo getting the viewer to identify with the site may take a longer period of time by comparison.

Use Attention Grabbing Graphics

Staying competitive requires the individual to explore various ways to grab the attention of the viewer and sustain it long enough for a positive impression to be made. Using attention grabbing graphics is one way of doing this.


Previously this may not have been such a viable option, as most users were only able load images through much slower dial up internet access however with the advancement of high speed internet connections this is no longer an issue for the masses.

Therefore it would not be in the interest of the individual to overlook the advantages of including this tool into the designing of any site, as using graphics will allow the individual to stay one step ahead of the pact in the quest to grab and engage the attention of the viewing target audience.

Being able to optimize a small area of space is one of the challenged presented when using the graphics style to getting attention.

Therefore the individual should concentrate on designing elements and balance them as perfectly as possible. The visual impressions that the graphics use provides can create the connection between the viewer and the products or services being offered at the site.

Putting the graphics at the top half of the layout would ensure maximum visibility. Using a single large design rather than several smaller ones will be a better attention grabbing option, however if the need to use several smaller one is important to the content then they should be grouped to form one single message.
The graphics design chosen should be able to generate the message and present it in a clear and “readable” fashion otherwise even the most eye catching designs would be lost in translation if the actual message is not forth coming.

The images content should also be limited to a few concise messages rather than bombarding the viewer with a lot of confusing matter.

How Banner Ads Can Advance Your Net Marketing Income

Banner ads have been known to provide great advantages through its use and as such it should be explored for the optimization of the net marketing income. The banner ads serve mainly three basic functions which includes building brand awareness, selling something and driving as much traffic as possible to a site.

The Money

As the latter two functions are be tracked is a measurable platform of sorts the first may prove to be rather difficult to track in a measurable way, however this does not present itself as a disadvantage as it gives the individual dome room to make adjustments periodically to enhance the efforts to created the desired effects.

Banner ads have the potential to offer unlimited targeting, tracking and measurability to the individual that makes the wise decision to pick this option as the way to reach their target audience.

In order to design the best banner ads the individual needs to decide what the purpose the banner ads are going to serve, as would be quite an important feature to consider when the initial stages for the planning is being dealt with.

Wrapping Up

Through the use of banner ads the individual is better able to direct the desired target audience to the site thus in the process garnering potential customers. This is mainly due to the fact that the choice made as to where the banner ads will appear is left almost entirely up to the individual. Also there is the advantage of choosing the affiliate sites it will appear in. The gist of the information about the products or services can be viewed easily thus making it a convenient form of getting information across in a shorter space of time, and this is beneficial to both the host and the viewer.

Related Info Products:

All-in-One SEO – Tools Suite for Site Owners & Bloggers

ConversioBot – Use Chatbot AI to Promote Sales

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

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Copywriting Crackdown > Free Sales Conversion Ebook Sat, 07 Jan 2023 05:13:08 +0000 Sales Conversion ebook “Copywriting Crackdown” covers: The Importance of Great Sales Copywriting, What Exactly Is Sales Copywriting? Why Do You Need To Learn To Be A Good Sales Copywriter? and 12 Steps to Creating Great Online Sales Copy. Click “Copywriting Crackdown” to download (407 KB pdf) this free marketing ebook.


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What Makes People Desire Your Product and Want to Buy > Sale Promotion Report Thu, 01 Dec 2022 18:57:03 +0000 Read More »]]> Marketing report “What Makes People Desire Your Product and Want to Buy” looks into “It’s not always easy to figure out how to get people to want your product. You might be selling something new and unfamiliar, or you might be selling a product that is already in high demand. Regardless of the situation, there are certain things you can do to make your product more popular and desirable, and this report highlights the things that you need to do as a business owner“. Member download link (login) > [membership level=”Free”] [/membership] “What Makes People Desire Your Product and Want to Buy” to download (306 KB pdf) this report.

Makes People Desire Your Product

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