Using PLR – Marketing Online Resources Resource Site with Instruction Ebooks, Reports, Articles, Videos and Tools for Online Marketing Fri, 06 Jan 2023 01:09:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Using PLR – Marketing Online Resources 32 32 PLR Publishing Profit Tips > 12 Part PLR Primer Fri, 06 Jan 2023 01:09:11 +0000 Read More »]]> 1. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Getting Started

Chances are if you’ve been looking for a way to make money online, you’ve come across the term PLR products. They come in many forms like ebooks, articles, video and software. Of course there are many other types like vitamin supplements, makeup, clothing and food but for the sake of this newsletter we will be focusing on digital based products.

These are products that have private label rights. When you buy the license to this type of digital product, you get certain rights. Which often include the ability to edit, brand, use and sell as if they are your own. You get to claim authorship just as if you were the creator. Making money with PLR products is great because most of the work is already done for you and in most cases your options are only limited by your ingenuity.

So now that you have a better idea of what PLR is and what you can do with it the next big question is, is it profitable? The answer to that question is YES however how much money you make will depend on what you do with it.

For example, articles are one of the most popular types of PLR product you can work with. Most of the time you buy them in packs. For example, $25 may buy 25 articles on snowboarding. Typical buyers use these articles for website or blog content. If you want to do this, rewrite the articles. PLR products are not sold exclusively. You don’t want to be one of 100 people with the same website. Make yours unique. You can sell products, services or make money through pay-per-click, and affiliate programs.

Transforming your PLR articles into website or blog content is an easy way to make money, but affiliate programs and pay-per-click programs usually pay low. For example, you will usually get only .50 for each Google AdSense click.

It can take time to get to the required $100 payout. For that reason, consider turning your articles into an ebook that you can resell. Arrange the articles in order and delete the duplicate content. Now you have your own ebook that you can resell to your website visitors, subscribers and readers.

Speaking of PLR ebooks, they are also available for sale. You can switch around the process. Use your PLR ebook to get a series of articles for website content. In fact, you can also create an audio book or a video series!

Whether you use PLR articles as website content or create a sales page to sell a branded ebook, audio book, or software program, you must market it if you want to see a return on your investment (ROI). There are thousands of websites and products online. Yours is just one of many. Marketing does require some time and money, but it will increase your traffic. No one will click on your ads or buy your product if they don’t visit your website.

Start a Google AdWords campaign, start an affiliate program if you sell a product, write articles for article directories, try to arrange free banner and link exchanges, and inject yourself in online message boards and other social networking websites. Although making money isn’t always certain, your profit potential will increase the more you market your website and products.

2. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Using and Profiting from PLR Articles

PLR articles, also known as private label articles, are a popular option for publishing online. They are available on just about any topic you can think of and they sold individually, in packages or as part of a monthly subscription service. These articles are most often composed by freelance writers who then relinquish their rights in exchange for monetary compensation.

When it comes to making money with PLR articles, your options are virtually endless. With that said, there is one very easy and simple way that you can make money with these articles.

– Use them to create your website.

In case you don’t know it, websites are great moneymaking tools because they give your business a solid online presence. When people are looking for something what is the first thing they usually do? In most cases they search for information online. If your website provides them with that information you are one step closer to gaining a customer and making a profit.

Take for instance high school and college students. They use the internet to do research for homework assignments. Parents visit websites for parenting advice, kid-friendly recipes, and more. Pet lovers research pet food, health issues, find new pets and get helpful training tips. The list is endless. If you create a website composed of helpful and useful articles it gives people a reason to visit.

Once you set up you site you can monetize it in several ways. For instance you can sell your own products, related PLR products and you can also display advertising. Many first-time webmasters turn to Google AdSense for this because it is relatively fast and easy to set up.

You can check it out here:

By setting up an account and following the step-by-step directions, you will be able to imbed a simple code in your website that will display ads based on the topic of your content. Each time one of your readers clicks on an ad, you make money. Generally this doesn’t bring in huge profits but if you get plenty of traffic it can be a nice source of set and forget income.

Affiliate programs are also popular ways to make money with your website. Affiliate networks like ClickBank, JVzoo, LinkShare, Commission Junction, and Amazon all have good programs.

What you do is search for relevant products. For example, if you created a website with pet grooming tips, search for affiliate programs that are pet related. Put links to pet books, accessories, and more. Interested readers will click on your embedded banners. You get commission each time a sale is made. Depending on the retailer or company in question, you may get a flat rate commission or a percentage.

Once again, this sounds like an easy opportunity, but what about creating the website? Most automatically think this is a hard process. In reality, it’s very simple. In fact, you’ve options. If you want to create your own website, but are unfamiliar with HTML, opt for a web hosting package that includes a website building tool. With these tools, you pick your templates, copy and paste your content from Microsoft Word or another document. If you know how to type, you can easily create your own website.

However, building a website does take time. Since you are looking for the easiest way to make money with private label articles, don’t do it. Let someone else for you. Many of the professionals who sell PLR articles have packages available that include website setup. This fee is very affordable. You will still get copies of your PLR articles, but you basically never have to touch the articles. A professional does the work for you. All you do is enter in your above mentioned moneymaking embedded codes.

As you can see, the above mentioned process is very easy. Whether you do business with an individual or company who will take your purchased PLR articles and create you a functioning website or create the website yourself, you can make money. Although this is an easy way to make money online, it isn’t necessarily the best. Why? The competition.

PLR articles are sold to a number of individuals. A quality seller will limit the number of article packages sold. You should aim for no more than 100 to 200. Since everyone is looking for an easy way to make money, most leave the articles as are. This means the content is the same for all 200 people that purchased the packages. Right away, you’ve 200 people with similar websites and content as yours. This cuts into your profits.

Although it does require more work, edit and rewrite your PLR articles. Rearrange a few paragraphs and reword a few sentences. Doing so makes your website and content unique, even if just slightly. This automatically eliminates some of the competition and increases your earnings.

3. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Using PLR for Publishing

Not a lot of people know about the PLR articles, much less why they should pay attention to them. Give yourself the edge and find out why you should know all you can about PLR and how you can profit from them in the most efficient and effective way possible.

– Saves time and effort.

You probably already know how much work and time it will take to write an article. On average, a single 700-word article will take about two hours to compose from scratch. If your intention is to create a website with over 50 pages, then you can see how daunting and time-consuming the task of simply writing content will be. PLR articles will save you this time and effort.

– You get the credit and the profits.

You are under no obligation to credit the original author for PLR articles. As such, when you publish them on your website, no outbound links and advertisements will be there to distract your visitor / customer. All links will be focused on your brand and your affiliates.

– Saves money.

This point requires a different point from saving time and effort simply because of economics. Hiring writers to create content for your website averages about $15 per article. If your site were to hold even just 20 articles that you need to update regularly (say every two weeks), you’d see how the bill could add up.

But if you were to acquire PLR for a set of articles, you could save money because of the economics of scale. Articles are bought at bulk and as such it is possible to get your hands on 200 articles for only less than $30.

– Editorial authority.

You don’t like how the article is written or the information it is presenting? PLR allows you to change the material right away without needing to ask permission from the writer. This is also especially useful for optimizing your website for search engines since you can enrich the content with keyword phrases to improve your rankings in SERPs.

– Build your brand.

Today, it’s all about distinguishing yourself from the rest. PLR articles allow you to provide content that is both relevant and updated. By doing so you build a reputation with your target audience as an expert. And since people would much rather go with someone they trust, your chances of return visitor’s increases significantly.

– Professional outcome.

Many of the writers who offer articles with PLR are professionals and have access to the latest information regarding your field of interest. By acquiring the rights from them, you avail yourself of their professional results without having to retain their services regularly.

With one set of PLR articles and some creativity on your part, you can extend the life of the articles to the point where the content has more than paid for itself. So when sourcing out a supplier for PLR articles, ask for sample works to demonstrate the quality of articles you would be purchasing.

Now that you know why you should seriously consider getting PLR articles, here are some ways to get you started.

– Compile a report.

You can consolidate a series of articles of a similar theme and package them as a report or listing of information. While you may think that anyone can do this, you’d be surprised how little of this is done.

Many people don’t have the time to read or the willingness to read several articles at different times. Providing them a simplified version of the information they want will be a welcome offer for your visitors. You can either give away the report for free, sell it as your own product or use it as content on your website.

– Create an email campaign.

This is especially useful when producing material for an email campaign. A series is by far, one of the more effective ways to create a following with your audience. Give enough to allow them a feel for what you’re offering and hint at giving more of the same if they will subscribe to your mailing list. In turn, your emails promote your website by inviting them to visit you on a more regular basis.

– Create a Kindle book

It is very possible for you to take a set of PLR articles and come up with a Kindle book, for which you can credit yourself as the author. Since you have created an entirely new product you could repackage this and sell this with your own resell rights. Just like you, there are people who are looking for material they can use for their own promotion needs so cater to this market as they are increasingly growing in number.

As you can see, using PLR articles are not only effective in providing truly useful content. They are also cost and labor-efficient, which means you can focus more of your time to more important matters, whether they are for business or otherwise.

4. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Is Branding PLR Worth Your Time?

PLR products come in many forms, including ebooks, audio books, articles, software and video. However, many new buyers make one mistake. That isn’t branding the products. This is a mistake because these types of products aren’t usually sold exclusively. Most of the time they are bought by hundreds or even thousands of resellers

Before focusing on the importance of branding PLR products, understand how they make money. For instance, PLR article buyers tend to create a website and use the articles as pages. These websites make money by selling a product or a service or by relying on affiliate programs.

As for ebooks and software, the products are usually resold to interested buyers. For example, you buy a time management software program that is designed for small business owners. You pay $500 for the resell rights. Sell that program for $100 and you only need to make six sales before you see a profit.

As for branding, it comes in different formats. For articles and ebooks, branding involves rewriting the content. It’s harder to brand software. You don’t want to mess with the program applications, so you are more likely to leave it as is. This is okay, but the problem comes when people want to price compare.

Many consumers find a product they like and search for it online looking specifically for a cheaper price. Let’s say you’re reselling a software program and don’t change a thing, chances are they will find it cheaper elsewhere. What does this mean? You just lost a paying customer.

However if you take the time to at the very least change the name and make the software look a little bit different by redesigning the original cover work and changing the sales copy to reflect your business. By differing even slightly from the original product you will have a much better chance of turning a profit because it will stand out in a sea of other resellers.

Most PLR software buyers don’t have the experience needed to add in new features or make program changes. That is okay. What you want to do is think outside of the box. You make the software available for digital download or offing a hard copy and printed instructions. You can also bump up the value by adding in extra bonuses, services and even support.

Marketing is important too, so do a small amount of marketing. Try to setup link exchanges, utilize article directories and online message boards. Create links to your sales pages. Then, see what product sells best in two to three months. It should be the one your branded because you are no longer selling a product available elsewhere for a lower price. You are now selling a unique product, which will generate more interest and income.

5. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Buying and Selling PLR Ebooks

Just like other type of PLR content, ebooks vary in size and topic. Regardless, a freelance writer usually composes them. As for the private label part, these ebooks aren’t like traditional ebook sales where someone buys the book to read. Instead, they are bought and then resold for a profit!

The first step in making money with private label ebooks is to find good ones for sale. The good news is that there are many places where you can purchase standalone or bundled ebooks. If you are new to this process you may want to start out small and test the waters by buying one ebook at a time. This way you can limit your investment and when you start seeing a profit you can buy more to add to your inventory.

With that said, know that branding and selling PLR products, including ebooks, can be a goldmine. Many resellers earn hundreds, even thousands of dollars a month simply buying and reselling. The more books you buy, brand, and resell, the more money you make. To lower your operating costs, buy in bulk. You can do this with a membership website. Every month or two, you will receive new PLR ebooks. Pick and choose the ones you want.

Now that you know what your two best buying options are, what should you consider when choosing these ebooks?

– The topic.

You want a topic that sells. Hot topics are a good choice. Right now, anything related to the economy is a good choice. Americans are losing their jobs and their homes. They want to make money and need to save it. Affordable ebooks that show them how are in hot demand. However, so are subjects that never go out of style? There will always be parents looking for bedtime tips for their kids, pet owners looking for affordable pet care tips, and so on.

– The length.

In all honesty, someone can transform a three-page Microsoft Word document and classify it as an ebook, although this isn’t a good idea. Ebook lengths are tricky. Readers want to know they are getting a good value for their money. This often means a long ebook. On the other hand, people don’t want to read a hundred pages before getting to the main point. Short ebooks are okay, as long as the point is made.

– The number of copies sold.
PLR ebooks and other products are often sold at reasonable prices. This is because multiple packages are sold. This can impact your profits. Look for ideal limits. You don’t want to be one of a thousand selling the same ebook online, but for varying prices.

– License to edit.

You can buy a private label ebook, create a sales page, and list the ebook for sale without making any changes. However, others purchased the same ebook as you. They are also trying to make a profit and doing so the same way with the same product.

To reduce the competition and increase sales, rewrite the content of the book, but first make sure you can. Some sellers and authors put restrictions on rewrites. Not only do you want to be able to rewrite an ebook, but it should be easy to. Always look for packages that include source code which provides a version of your document in Microsoft Word or at the very least editable text.

With a little ingenuity, you could end up offering a book to customers that they won’t find somewhere else. Which means you won’t have to compete with other resellers who have the same product.

6. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Marketing Branded PLR Products

PLR products are often sold by many resellers which means that chances are there are a 100 other people who have the same article ebook, audio, video or software program for sale. As we have discussed before you can eliminate some of that competition by making edits, but marketing plays a vital role. To increase your sales, don’t wait for buyers to come to you because they might never find you. Instead, bring them to with a well-planned marketing campaign.

Many new PLR resellers often wonder what their marketing options are and in all honesty, they are endless. With that said, let’s go overs a few easy, affordable, and proven successful marketing tactics you can start using right away.

– Create a sales page.

Many third-party websites allow you to sell digital products. These established sites already have a steady flow of traffic, which is nice, but they take a percentage of your sales. For that reason, create your own sales pages, also known as a pitch page. This single page outlines your product. If you’re selling a branded ebook, mention your name as the author, the book name, list a few excerpts, provide a detailed chapter outline, eye-catching graphics, and a payment processor. Essentially, this is what you will market.

Offer a free copy or discounts to those who provide detailed reviews. On a sales page, you should also have customer testimonials. Let’s say you’re selling a time management software designed for small businesses. Time management software can easily sell for $200 to $300 and it’s a wise investment for business owners, but they still want reassurance that their money is being wisely spent.

Customer reviews can give them that reassurance. As for the marketing part, you gave a free product and got a review. Not only that, but if the reviewer truly liked the product they will generate additional interest by word of mouth.

– Google AdWords.

Google AdSense is a well-known pay-per-click program that helps content website owners make money. They generate income each time an ad is clicked. Would you like one of those advertisements to be yours? It can be if you create a Google AdWords account. With this program, you create an advertisement and assign it targeted keywords. Your ads will be placed with internet search results and on applicable websites.

The fee varies, but you should know it upfront. In addition, you are only charged when your ad is physically clicked. You only pay when someone views your sales page. You can also create a budget. If you only have $400 to invest, your campaign will automatically stop once you reach your limit.

– Affiliate program.

Content website owners not only make money through Google AdSense, but affiliate programs too. Purchase affiliate tracking software or rely on a third-party to do the work for you. You can provide banners, text links, or sales page templates. Those looking to make money online will handle some of the marketing for you. For each sale they help generate, they get a flat rate commission or a percentage of each sale.

– Link exchanges.

As I mentioned earlier, Google AdWords gets your advertisements and links on other websites but it can become very costly especially if you don’t take time to learn how to use it effectively. An inexpensive alternative is to do link exchanges. Take a similar product or service, but not your direct competition, and exchange links. They put a link up for you and you do the same.

– Online forums.

Online message boards come in a number of formats. You can find message boards for pet owners, work-at-home parents, homeschooling parents, internet marketing, and so forth. Find your targeted market. An ebook outlining work-at-home opportunities is ideal for work-at-home and internet marketing forums. If signatures are allowed, create one. Your link will appear underneath each of your posts. Add your sales page link to your profile. Not only is this free advertising, but it’s targeted.

– Article directories.

Article directories are websites with a collection of user-submitted articles. In exchange for the free content, you are able to place links and other resources at the end of your articles. For your work-at-home ebook, write articles on the subject. Include a link to your sales page at the end. Not only does your article appear in the directory, but others can use it on their website or blog. They must keep your links and resources intact. No matter who uses your articles, it’s an effective and cheap internet marketing tool.

7. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Turning PLR Content into Videos

As we know digital ebooks are extremely popular and ones with private label rights are even better. When you buy a PLR ebook, you’ve the ability to leave as is, make edits, add your name as the author, and then sell. But what if you took that process one step further by taking the content from that book and transforming it into a video or a series of videos? It can be a great way to expand your profits and it’s not that hard to do.

Let’s face it videos are everywhere and not everyone wants to take the time to read a 100-page ebook even if they are extremely interested in the topic. They want to consume the information they are looking for money as quickly as possible. For that reason alone it is a good idea to consider making video version of your PLR content.

Plus, we all have different reading comprehension skills. While one person may understand your written words for using Google AdSense, another may find it easier for to see examples and actions in video format.

If you know how to use a computer and a video recorder, you can easily turn any content into video. All you need is a program like PowerPoint, screen capture or video editing software like Camtasia, Moviemaker or iMovie and if you aren’t shy a video camera or your computers webcam will do just fine. The hardest part is editing, but if you do a few practice takes and know your stuff, you can get it right the first time! Then all you have to do is upload it and share or sell it.

When many of us think of videos, big budget movies often come to mind. This isn’t the same. You are creating how-to videos and tip videos. For example, if the ebook you bought is focused on tennis tips, record yourself implementing the moves. Place your camera towards the screen, walk through each step, and describe it.

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on scenery or hire professional actors. If you aren’t a tennis pro then get to know one and offer them a split of the profits for helping you. This tactic will work with just about any topic.

When deciding which approach to take, consider ease and profits. For example, you can create one long video, mini videos, and so forth. You also have options on how to make money. Video websites have rapidly increased in popularity. You can create your own themed website.

Bottom line, consumers like digital products, both in print and in video format. Either will sell and generate income. Your best option is to capitalize on both. Consider the video formats an added bonus and a new business venture. The best way to profit from PLR products is to get the most use from them.

8. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Simple Mistakes Using PLR Products

It is relatively easy to make money with private label products, as we well know. These are products you buy, brand, and sell for a profit. However, if this is a new experience for you, it’s easy to mistakes which have the potential to destroy your chance to make a tidy profit. That is way we are going to go over a few of the most common mistakes resellers make so you can avoid them.

– Don’t let products sit on your hard drive.

Whether you’ve purchased a single pack of 25 PLR articles or 100 PLR ebooks, don’t just let the files sit on your computer unused. Each second these files sit unused, you lose money. You bought the products to make money, so use them. If you’re limited on time, make few quick edits and use it as website content with ads and affiliate links or create. Many PLR products come with reseller webpages and sales copy so take a few minutes to set it up and add payment links. When you have more time you can go back, edit the content to make it more unique, and work on marketing. Each of your products deserves attention, but don’t leave them sitting while waiting for the best time. Never forget that you will not make money until you actually use the product you bought.

– Don’t leave the documents as is.

If you have the time right now to inject quality into the products, do it. Private label content affordable prices because they are sold to many people. It’s common for sellers to sell 500 or more e-books and 100 or more PLR article packs. This means a lot of competition. However, if you take the time to rewrite the content even a little bit as I have mentioned before, you essentially create a new, different version. You can them market it as 100% original. This not only decreases the competition, but it increases your earnings too!

– Not researching your options.

Most resellers make money by rewriting all or a portion of an ebook and selling it to interested readers. This is great, but it is not your only option. Why not dissect that ebook and create mini articles and blog posts too. Not only can you sell the ebook, but also you now have a website that can generate income through affiliate programs and pay-per-click advertising. The same can be done with articles. You can also take those articles, combine them, arrange in order, and delete the duplication information. You now have an ebook!

– Not getting the most from your PLR products

This mistake ties in with not researching all your options. When most people buy a 25 pack of articles, they create a website. That website can be a paid membership website or generate income through ads. Considering that most PLR articles sell for around $1 each, you can easily turn a profit in a few days or weeks at the most. Nevertheless, there are steps you can take to increase your profits even more.

Consider the topic. Do you have a pack of articles on how to choose a cosmetic surgeon? If so, most of the same tips apply for choosing other medical professionals, such as family doctors, chiropractors, dentists, and surgeons. Interchange a few words in each article and you now have four more websites to create. You can do the same with e-books too!

– Focusing on only one product

You can easily take one pack of 25 articles, which you may have paid $25 for and spin those articles to create more. You should do this, but keep on buying PLR articles and e-books. The more PLR articles and e-books you re-brand and sell, the more money you make. Plus, this moneymaking opportunity is considered passive income. After posting your e-book for sale, you may get 1,000 sales in the first year. Although those sales will begin to taper, they will always come. You keep earning money overtime.

9. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Increasing Profits/Revenue from PLR Articles

Even though there are a multitude PLR products available to choose from, articles are often the easiest to profit from. This is because you’ve so many options. For example, the articles can become website content, newsletter content, content for article directories, they can be transformed into an ebook and resold, and they can also be used as an online course. Despite the options, you likely want to choose the easiest, yet most profitable option. So what is it?

The easiest way to make money with PLR articles is to use them as website content. Essentially, you create a content driven website. Internet users love content websites. A consumer looking to buy a dog may turn to the internet to research dog breeds. A mom having trouble getting her toddler to sleep is likely to turn to the internet, and so forth. If you put good, relevant articles on your website, people will come. But wait! How do you make money?
Most resellers make money through pay-per-click programs, like Google AdSense and affiliate programs, like Commission Junction as we have discussed before.

Pay-per-click programs are nice because you get money each time someone clicks on your ads. Affiliate programs, on the other hand, require consumers to make a purchase. If a purchase is made through your embedded text link or banner, you get a percentage of that sale. It’s best to mix it up with both affiliate and pay-per-click programs to increase your earnings. With affiliate programs, choose relevant products and retailers. If running a pet care website, team up with individuals and retailers who sell pet related products.

Returning to using PLR articles as website content, you want a simple approach. You are likely to take the PLR articles you created, copy, and paste them into a website building program. This is very simple, but not the best way to make money. The key is to brand.

Take the content for each item. Start at the top and work your way down. Reword the title, redo a few sentences, interchange a few words, add or delete paragraphs, and so forth. You now have unique content. Your website is no longer like the other 50 buyers who opted for the same moneymaking approach.

Rewriting articles may sound like a waste of time or an added expense, but it’s a wise investment. Branding your own articles take only 10 minutes on average. Paid rewriters tend to work for around $2 or $3 a page. Since you paid $1 for each PLR article, it brings your total for each article to no more than $5 a page. You couldn’t hire a ghostwriter to create new content for that price. Consider it a wise investment and one that will pay off in profits.

10. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Selling Options for PLR

As we well know purchase the resell rights to a PLR product is a great opportunity to profit from the work of others. Unfortunately, there are many people who end up losing money on the products they buy because they were unable to generate enough sales.

If you are interested in purchasing the resell rights to a particular product, it is advised that you have a plan first. Many individuals get into trouble, by losing money, because they entered into this opportunity not fully understanding what was required of them. To make money from acquiring the resell rights to a product, you will need to sell that product. Whenever you make a sale, you will begin to see a profit. However, for many individuals, making a sale isn’t as easy as it sounds.

When it comes to selling a product, whether that product was obtained through private label resell rights or not, you need to find effective marketing strategies and selling methods. These methods may include the use of online classified ads, the use of online auction websites, or the development of a product website. Before deciding on a particular selling method, you are advised to examine the advantages and disadvantages of each. This is important because different selling methods work different ways for different individuals and products, no two have the same results.

Classified ads can be used to sell a product, which you have obtained the resell rights to. With classified ads, your best bet is to use online advertisements. Most private label products are designed with internet users in mind; therefore, it only makes sense that you should use the internet to target these individuals. When examining online classified ads, you will find that most are free to post; however, not all are. You will need to decide whether you want to pay for a service that you can obtain for free somewhere else.

Another popular selling method is to create your own website. This website should be used to outline the product which you are selling and the cost of it. Even if you do not know how to design your own website, you should be able to take part in this popular and effective selling method. Professional website developers can create a professional website, for a small fee, or you can build your own website, with the assistance of a site builder. It is also important that you add a shopping cart to your site. This shopping cart will enable your customers to purchase your product online.

You can also use an online auction website to sell your product. Online auction websites will give your product the opportunity to be viewed by thousands, if not millions, of consumers. The only problem with online auction websites is that more and more individuals are using this selling method to sell products, which they have acquired the resell rights to. This competition may make it difficult or impossible for your product to sell.

The above mentioned selling methods are just a few of the many that you can use. In fact, you are urged to use as many different selling methods as you can. The more exposure your product gets, the more likely it will be to sell.

11. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Buying PLR versus Creating Your Own Product

As more people turn to the internet for research, entertainment, and just about everything in between, digital products are increasing in popularity. And, due to the economy, many people are looking to work from home or generate extra income. If you are one of those individuals, you may see the potential in writing and selling ebooks.

Unfortunately, if you are like many new to this, the entire process of writing an ebook may be too much. So, what should you do? Should you suck it up and write an ebook yourself, hire a professional ghostwriter, or buy a private label ebook with resell rights?

Right now, you may be asking yourself what in the world is a PLR ebook. Most individuals are unfamiliar with private label products and rights. The process involves buying an ebook or a number of them for an affordable price. Often times, you pay double or triple the selling price to readers. For example, an extensive ebook that sells for $40 will sell with private label rights for $80 to $120.

You, as the buyer, then sell the ebook to interested readers. You can rarely resell the ebook to other resellers unless you are granted master resell rights, which is an entirely different moneymaking opportunity.

Returning to your ebook creation options, there is writing the ebook yourself. When buying ebooks, consumers want interesting, easy to read, and useful content. Unless writing on a familiar topic, research is required. This takes time. Add in writing, formatting, and editing and it can easily take you a month or more to create 100-page ebook.

If this is your first time attempting to write one, it could take even longer! Do you have this time? Do you have good grammar or know how to put your thoughts into words? If not, you may have started with a good ebook concept, but ended up with a poorly written and difficult to read book that won’t sell

Unless you are comfortable with your writing and willing to devote time to your first ebook, you should move onto the next option. That was hiring a ghostwriter. Ghostwriters are freelance writers who agree not to have their name attached to the work.

Essentially, you pay a writer to compose your ebook and your name appears as the author. This sounds great. Proofreading the ebook, making edits, and adding your name as the author will take a couple of days at most. Sounds easy doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it can be costly.

Freelance writers rarely work as a hobby; most write for a living. For that reason, you should expect to at least pay minimum wage. Some writers charge $20 or more for one ebook page. This means you could easily pay $2,000 for a 100-page ebook.

If you sell your ebook for $19.99, it needs to sell at least 101 copies before you even make a profit. Also, don’t forget the time and other expenses to create a sales page and market. Great if you’ve the money to spend. If not, move on to your final option. That is PLR ebooks.

As previously stated, PLR ebook s are ebook s resell rights. This gives you permission to edit and change the content, make graphic changes, and add your name as the author. PLR ebook s are sold to many people. Most quality sellers will limit the number sold, often to 500. The key is to slightly rewrite. Eliminate, add or rearrange a few paragraphs, change around a few sentences and you now have a new ebook. You started out with an ebook that 50 other individuals might have been trying to sell, but you now have a unique version.

As for the price, PLR ebook s are cheap because they are sold to many. Remember, the key is to make them unique with rewrites. As mentioned above, they resell for double or triple the price. Say, you paid $80 for a 100-page PLR ebook. You want to make changes, but even if you hire a rewriter for a $2 a page, a common rate among rewrites, your total investment is $280. Compare that to the above mentioned $2,000 for a ghost writer and you got quite a deal! Sell that same ebook for $19.99 and you now only need to sell 15 copies to make a profit.

What is best way to create an ebook to sell? Although it’s pretty self-explanatory, the decision is yours to make. If you can write an ebook, do it. If you don’t have the time, opt for ebook s private label resell rights. They are a relatively quick and easy way to make money online.

12. PLR Publishing Profit Tips – Branding and Outsourcing PLR

As we know PLR comes in many forms. Although some sellers have additional rules and restrictions, buyers should be able to purchase a digital product, like an ebook, audio book or series of articles. They are able to leave as is or rework the content, brand it, and use it or sell it as their own.

You want to make money selling an ebook or a software program that you purchased the private label rights to. When doing so, it’s best to rewrite and brand. PLR products are not sold exclusively; they are sold to many people.

Say you bought a how-to internet marketing ebook. That same ebook and the rights are usually sold to at least 100 other people. It’s easier to switch the creator name and not make any changes. Therefore, you will have at least 50 people selling the exact same ebook online. Make sure you are not one of them.

– Branding comes in many forms.

It all depends on the type of PLR product. With ebooks, change a few graphics, rework the cover art, redo a few sentences, and change around a few paragraphs. By doing so, you end up with a unique ebook you can call your own, even though you didn’t write it from scratch.

With audio books, edit the content or recreate it with your own voice. To make it unique, change around a few tips or add additional information. For software programs, at least change the cover art. If you’ve the skill, add a few additional features to the program.

Branding enables you to sell a new and unique product. It’s no longer exactly the same as the other 100 who bought the private label rights. Although it’s relatively easy to brand digital products, you may have some concerns. Should you do the work yourself or hire help? Once again, it depends on a number of factors, including the product in question.

You will find the most work with PLR ebooks. Most ebook s range from 25 to 200 pages. Even if you just rearrange a few paragraphs and change every other sentence, you may still have up to 200 pages of work ahead of you. Unless you enjoy writing, you may not have the time or the patience for this task. Luckily, there is cheap help available.

Your first instinct may be to hire a freelance ghostwriter. You are on the right track, but you want a writer who handles rewrites. These are often known simply as rewriters. They specialize in spinning content to make it unique. Less work is required, so rewriters usually charge less. You can find a professional to rewrite your ebook for as little as $2 or $3 a page.

For many, it’s easier to brand an audio book. This is due to your options. As indicated above, you can use editing software to eliminate parts of the book, rearrange it, and so forth. You can also start from scratch. Create a transcription of the audio book and speak the words yourself. Add in or delete information as you go. You now have a unique audio book. As for whether you should hire help, it depends on your speaking voice.

Audio books must be easy to understand. If you cannot speak clearly or if your nervousness shows, pay someone else to do work. This can be a professional you met online or a close friend or family member. Those you know will often work for a discounted rate.

The easiest private label rights product to brand is a software program, unless of course you decide to add additional features. Since most leave the product as is, experiment with the cover art. With helpful tools, like Photoshop and Gimp, you should be able to do this yourself.

Otherwise, hire a professional graphic designer. As an added bonus, brush up on your writing skills hire or hire a writer. Digital software programs usually have built-in guides and help sections. Create your own standalone version and sell it as an added bonus.

In short, the decision to brand PLR products yourself or with hired help is your choice. When making that choice, consider the task, the skill you’ve, as well as the product in question.

Related Info Products:

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products – 12590+ Digital PLR Products for Rebrand – Private Label Rights & Master Resell Rights Products

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PLR Starter Pack

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PLR Starter Pack Vol. 1 – Beginner > Using Private Label Rights Report Fri, 14 Oct 2022 16:36:46 +0000 Read More »]]> Content Creation report “PLR Starter Pack Vol. 1 – Beginner” includes topics What is PLR? Origins of PLR. Enter Internet Marketing. PLR Benefits. Rules of PLR. How To Use PLR. Power of Leverage. Common Mistakes of PLR Buyers. Members download link (login) > [membership level=”Free”] “PLR Starter Pack Vol. 1 – Beginner” [/membership] to download (409 KB pdf) this report. Use our search feature to find all 3 reports in this series.

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The PLR Handbook > Member MRR Ebook Package Download Fri, 09 Sep 2022 17:55:29 +0000 Read More »]]> MRR ebook “The PLR Handbook” looks into PLR Products Rights, What Rights Should I Get?, Types of PLR Products, The Benefits of Using PLR, Where to Find PLR Products, How to Profit from PLR Products and 20 Powerful Tips on Using PLR. MRR ebook comes with pdf, sales page and bonus ebook material (3 PLR ebooks). View Demo Sales Page . Download 29.8 MB zip. Older package but very informational for uses of Private Label Rights in marketing. Members download link[membership level=”Free”] HERE[/membership].

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PLR Advantage > Free “Use of PLR” Ebook Thu, 01 Sep 2022 20:39:08 +0000 Read More »]]> Private Label Rights information ebook “PLR Advantage” looks into 30 ways one can use Private label Rights (PLR) in their online line business. Main headings of uses include; Building Traffic and Leads. Re-Purpose or Change the Media. Use to Teach or Provide Educational Material. Monetize. Research and Other Uses. Click “PLR Advantage” to download (460 KB pdf) this free report.

PLR Informational Ebook

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Maximum Profit Private Label Rights > Free Report Thu, 01 Sep 2022 19:43:45 +0000 Read More »]]> Private Label Rights informational ebook “Maximum Profit Private Label Rights” covers topics; Introduction to Private Label Rights Content. The Explanation of Private Label Rights. Terms For Private Label Rights Content. Why Private Label Rights Are A Lucrative Business. Types Of Private Label Rights Content. Other Enhancements To Make Your Private Label. Content Unique. Ideas And Strategies For Maximum PLR Profits Revealed. Additional Tips About Private Label Rights. Click “Maximum Profit Private Label Rights” to download (610 KB pdf) this free info ebook.

Maximum Profit Private Label Rights

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PLR Cash Class Volume 2 > Private Label Rights (PLR) Usage Training Videos Fri, 31 Dec 2021 05:34:52 +0000 Read More »]]> Complete workshop which includes 18 step-by-step videos that will show you three different income plans that you can use to profit like never before with private label rights content.

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Video #1 (17:15 min)


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Video #2 (4:10 min)


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Video #3 (11:50 min)

PLR Cash Class

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